Friday, November 25, 2005

Flip Mitts

We're flipping for mitts here on the Severn! This pair is for thee Wyldman. He's the one wearing the "giant lobster claws" in an earlier entry. After seeing the pair for my nephew, he sorta guilted me into yet another pair of mittens. These are hand/wrist warmers with a flip top to keep little fingers warm as needed.

And you can see what's really making us flip around here of late (of course it's really a fun way to keep warm!) The Brian Setzer Orchestra, the CD is Dig That Crazy Christmas! It's totally swinging!


Anonymous said...

Just love your latest mittens (and the previous pair, too)! Did you just make up the patterns yourself? Very talented!

Genia said...

Yes, Janet I did just sorta work out the pattern myself. I can give you the jest of it if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

Hmm . . . I like the way you did it, no chopped-off fingers so that means no excess fabric between my fingers. I'll have to make myself a pair of mittens like this.