Monday, April 04, 2005

It's Spring!! REALLY!

The Osprey have returned. This is the one sign of Spring that I look for every year. Usually I hear them before I can see them. I love to watch them hunting from the sky and their very shrill cry to each other. They are such a beautiful raptor!

Not much happening here in the Harbor these days. We've slowly started cleanup in the yard however this is slow in happening because of the rain. It's rained more then not these past couple of weeks. I'll be glad to get the last of the leaves off the decks so they can dry properly. I also need to get the leaves out of the flower beds. I noticed that the iris and columbine have started peeking out of the ground and the apple tree is budding. I have a whole envelope of 4 o'clock seeds to get in the ground. I really love the burst these add to the yard.

My rosemary didn't fair well this past winter so I'll need to really cut it back this spring. I hope it will survive, she's been in the family a long time.

Of course with Spring budding and new babies on the way I've been knitting away! No, it's not me having a baby (you can breath now) but friends. Also the Shop has these wonderful new yarns that just cry to be cute little baby items. In the past two weeks I've knit 3 bonnets and wrote the patterns for them as well. These are really quick and easy baby gifts not to mention too cute! I'll have them (the patterns) available for sale soon.

I've also joined my friend Ruth on Shell Island. I've decided I'm sick of dark clothes and wearing jeans all the time so I've started knitting some summer shell tops to wear. To replace my jeans I've been looking for skirts to match. The shell I'm knitting is from the magazine Creative Knitting (fairly new publication I believe) called Rich Fronds Top by Diane Zangl. I'm using a yarn called Polo by Zitron; it's a cotton/acrylic blend but easy to knit with and very light.

So! Today the sun is out again and there's more then just a breeze. I need to get outside and start moving those leaves and put some ash around the apple tree.

To all of you have a great day! and keep those kneedles clickin'!

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